The Best Russian Hosting Companies

This rating contains 615 genuine user reviews about 113 hosting companies, also our experts (8) performed tests (58)

Russian hosting has developed greatly during the past few years. The quality of the services increased as well. Most of the data centres are allocated in Moscow and St. Petersburg, meaning that your website will load quickly for both Russian and European users.

Important!   If you want to provide the best speed for your website visitors you should take a look to our rating. In this list, we have collected companies that provide high-quality services for customers in Russia. Local Russian companies you can find here

These hosting companies are rated the best in July 2024
  • Country: Russia
  • Founded: 2002
  • Customers: 200000 (~7.49 % market)
  • Servers: Russia
  • Control panel: ISPmanager
  • Free/Moneyback period: 30 days
Price: -
Speed: -
Reliability: -
Support: -
  • Founded: 2020
  • Servers: Finland, Germany, Russia
  • Control panel: Plesk, Pterodactyl, Proxmox VE
  • Free/Moneyback period: 1 days
Price: -
Speed: -
Reliability: -
Support: -
  • Country: Russia
  • Founded: 2018
  • Servers: Netherlands, Russia, USA
  • Control panel: Custom-built
Price: -
Speed: -
Reliability: -
Support: -
  • Country: Russia
  • Servers: Poland, Russia
Price: -
Speed: -
Reliability: -
Support: -
  • Country: Russia
  • Founded: 2012
  • Customers: 5500 (~0.21 % market)
  • Servers: France, Netherlands, Russia
Price: -
Speed: -
Reliability: -
Support: -
  • Country: India
  • Servers: Netherlands, Russia
  • Control panel: cPanel, DirectAdmin, Parallels Plesk
Price: -
Speed: -
Reliability: -
Support: -
  • Country: Latvia
  • Founded: 2004
  • Customers: 15000 (~11.46 % market)
  • Servers: Finland, France, Germany...
Price: -
Speed: -
Reliability: -
Support: -
  • Country: Russia
  • Founded: 2013
  • Servers: Russia
  • Control panel: ISPmanager
Price: -
Speed: -
Reliability: -
Support: -
  • Country: Russia
  • Founded: 2014
  • Control panel: ISPmanager, Ajenti
Price: -
Speed: -
Reliability: -
Support: -
  • Country: Russia
  • Founded: 2009
  • Servers: Netherlands, Russia, Sweden...
Price: -
Speed: -
Reliability: -
Support: -
Rank Hosting Customers Score Reviews
2.0 22
1.8 17
0.0 1
0.0 1
0.0 1
Rank Hosting Customers Score Reviews
4.6 140
4.4 24
4.2 21
4.0 31
3.8 39
Rank Hosting Customers Score Reviews
4.6 140
3.2 15
2.4 21
0.0 0
0.0 0
Anastasia Sarkisyan

In case your target audience is located in Russia and Asia, we’d recommend to purchase Chinese or Indian hosting. Unfortunately, not all of the companies in China and India provide English speaking support. But in our ratings you can find only those who do.

TOP-5 factors for choosing a hosting

When looking for a Russian web hosting provider, focusing on the top 5 most important factors can help you make an informed decision. These factors are:

1. Server Location: If your target audience is primarily in Russia or nearby countries, choose a hosting provider with data centres in Russia. This ensures faster loading times and improved performance for your website's visitors.

2. Performance and Uptime: Look for hosting providers with a proven track record of high performance and uptime. A reliable provider should offer at least 99.9% uptime and low latency. Research user reviews and test website speeds using tools like Pingdom or GTmetrix.

3. Security Features: Prioritize hosting providers that offer robust security measures, such as SSL certificates, DDoS protection, malware scanning, and regular backups. Also, ensure the provider has a secure infrastructure and complies with local data protection laws.

4. Technical Support: Choose a hosting provider that offers excellent customer support, preferably 24/7 and in multiple languages, including Russian. Support should be responsive, knowledgeable, and accessible through various channels such as live chat, email, and phone.

5. Pricing and Billing: Compare hosting plans based on their features, resources, and pricing. Look for providers that offer transparent pricing without hidden fees. Consider the billing cycle and payment options, as well as any discounts for long-term commitments.

By focusing on these top 5 factors, you can narrow down your options and choose a Russian web hosting provider that best meets your needs and requirements.

Advantages and disadvantages of buying web hosting in Russia

👍 Advantages 👎 Disadvantages
  1. Localization: If your target audience is primarily in Russia or nearby countries, having a server located in Russia could provide faster load times and better performance for your website visitors.

  2. Data Sovereignty: Some businesses might prefer having their data stored in Russia due to specific data sovereignty laws or regulations.

  3. Cost: Depending on the exchange rate and the specific hosting package, it may be less expensive to host a website in Russia compared to some other countries. 

  4. Language Support: If you speak Russian, you might find it easier to interact with customer support and navigate through the hosting service's interface.

  1. Data Privacy and Security: Russia has faced criticism for its handling of data privacy and cybersecurity. Depending on the nature of your website and the sensitivity of your data, this could be a concern.

  2. Political Stability: The political climate in Russia is bad, which could impact the stability of your web hosting service.

  3. Customer Support: If you don't speak Russian, you might find it more challenging to communicate with customer service or navigate the hosting service.

  4. International Load Times: If your audience is primarily located outside of Russia, they might experience slower load times.

Rating of VPS servers in Russia


📓 Are there specific regulations for web hosting in Russia?

Yes, like many countries, Russia has regulations regarding data privacy and content. One notable law is the data localization law, which requires that personal data of Russian citizens be stored within the country. Additionally, certain types of content may be subject to censorship or regulation.

🖥️ Can international businesses host their website in Russia?

Yes, international businesses can host their website in Russia, but they must comply with Russian laws and regulations. This includes the data localization law, which requires that personal data of Russian citizens be stored on servers within Russia. Businesses should also consider whether they have the necessary resources and knowledge to navigate these regulations.

📱 What are the challenges of web hosting in Russia?

The challenges of web hosting in Russia can include navigating local regulations and ensuring compliance, particularly with data localization laws. There may also be issues with language barriers, and the need for local contacts or legal entities in Russia.

We do our best for you!
Ratings of hosting providers by site tasks
Hosting price

We highly recommend not to purchase the cheapest hosting package. Usually, they come with a row of issues: the server is often down, the hardware is outdated, lousy and slow support, registration and payment errors, etc.

For your convenience, we have created a tool that can help you to choose the right hosting package for you just by answering a few simple questions.


CMS is a content management system. A lot of hosting providers offer so-called CMS optimized packages. However, this is a marketing trick because most CMSs do not have special software or hosting requirements.

Free trial

Trial period is a period of time, usually from 7 to 30 days, during which you can use the hosting services for free to test them.

Moneyback policy allows the customer to receive a refund for his order within a certain period after the purchase.


OS means the operating system is installed on the server. We recommend to choose Linux hosting unless your website requires another OS.


Bulletproof hosting - it’s a type of service that allows to host almost any type of content, even the restricted one (adult content, warez, spam etc). Bulletproof hosting providers do not remove your content in case someone reports an abuse.

Unlimited hosting - refers to companies that provide packages with unlimited disk space, bandwidth, number of domains, databases or email accounts, etc. This is usually a marketing trick but sometimes you can find something worth a try.

Secure hosting - it’s a type of service when the hosting provider is mostly responsible for the security of the user’s account: updates the software installed on their servers, provides an antivirus and malware scanner, firewalls and basic anti-DDoS protection, etc.

DDoS-protected hosting - companies that provide packages that include anti-DDoS protection. These packages are considerably more expensive than regular ones. Nevertheless, they’re totally worth their price because the company will ensure that your website is secured from cyber attacks.


Most websites require MySQL and PHP installed on the server to work correctly. Almost all hosting providers support these technologies.

ASP.NET is a Microsoft web application development platform.

Control panel

The more comfortable the control panel is, the easier will it be for you to change the website and hosting account settings.

Most hosting providers that are in TOP20 in our rating offer user-friendly control panels, such as cPanel, Plesk or DirectAdmin. That’s why we recommend to pay attention to other, more important parameters, while choosing a hosting provider.

Disk type
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